Get IMU data

The API offers Start() / Stop() function to start/stop capturing data. You can set the argument to``Source::MOTION_TRACKING`` to capture IMU data only, or set it to Source::ALL to capture both image and IMU data.

During capturing data, you need EnableMotionDatas() to enable caching in order to get IMU data from GetMotionDatas() . Otherwise, IMU data is only available through the callback interface, see Get data from callbacks .

Sample code snippet:

auto &&api = API::Create(argc, argv);

// Enable this will cache the motion datas until you get them.


CVPainter painter;


while (true) {

  auto &&left_data = api->GetStreamData(Stream::LEFT);
  auto &&right_data = api->GetStreamData(Stream::RIGHT);

  cv::Mat img;
  cv::hconcat(left_data.frame, right_data.frame, img);

  auto &&motion_datas = api->GetMotionDatas();
  for (auto &&data : motion_datas) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Imu frame_id: " << data.imu->frame_id
              << ", timestamp: " << data.imu->timestamp
              << ", accel_x: " << data.imu->accel[0]
              << ", accel_y: " << data.imu->accel[1]
              << ", accel_z: " << data.imu->accel[2]
              << ", gyro_x: " << data.imu->gyro[0]
              << ", gyro_y: " << data.imu->gyro[1]
              << ", gyro_z: " << data.imu->gyro[2]
              << ", temperature: " << data.imu->temperature;

  painter.DrawImgData(img, *left_data.img);
  if (!motion_datas.empty()) {
    painter.DrawImuData(img, *motion_datas[0].imu);

  cv::imshow("frame", img);

  char key = static_cast<char>(cv::waitKey(1));
  if (key == 27 || key == 'q' || key == 'Q') {  // ESC/Q


OpenCV is used to display image and data. When window is selected, press ESC/Q to exit program.

Complete code examples, see .