Set IIC Address

Using the SetOptionValue() function in the API, you can set various control values for the current device.

To set the IIC address, set Option::IIC_ADDRESS_SETTING.


Only support S210A/2100

Reference Code:


auto &&api = API::Create(argc, argv);
if (!api) return 1;
bool ok;
auto &&request = api->SelectStreamRequest(&ok);
if (!ok) return 1;
Model model = api->GetModel();
if (model == Model::STANDARD210A || model == Model::STANDARD2) {
  api->SetOptionValue(Option::IIC_ADDRESS_SETTING, 0x31);
  LOG(INFO) << "Set iic address to " << std::hex << "0x"
            << api->GetOptionValue(Option::IIC_ADDRESS_SETTING);

Reference running results on Linux:


$ ./samples/_output/bin/tutorials/ctrl_iic_adress
I/ Detecting MYNT EYE devices
I/ MYNT EYE devices:
I/   index: 0, name: MYNT-EYE-S210A, sn: 07C41A190009071F
I/ Only one MYNT EYE device, select index: 0
I/ MYNT EYE devices:
I/   index: 0, request: width: 1280, height: 400, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 10
I/   index: 1, request: width: 1280, height: 400, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 20
I/   index: 2, request: width: 1280, height: 400, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 30
I/   index: 3, request: width: 1280, height: 400, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 60
I/   index: 4, request: width: 2560, height: 800, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 10
I/   index: 5, request: width: 2560, height: 800, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 20
I/   index: 6, request: width: 2560, height: 800, format: Format::BGR888, fps: 30
I/ There are 7 stream requests, select index:
I/ Set iic address to 0x31

After the sample program finishes running with ESC/Q. Complete code samples,please see .