如何用 kalibr 标定 MYNTEYE


  • 标定左右目之间的位姿关系
  • 标定相机(左目)和IMU坐标系之间的位姿关系


  • 安装kalibr: 参考 kalibr wiki ,按步骤安装
  • 标定板: kalibr支持 chessbord , circlegrid , aprilgrid , 这里选择 aprilgrid ,标定板文件可以通过直接 下载 ,或者通过kalibr工具生成标定板:
$ kalibr_create_target_pdf --type 'apriltag' --nx 6 --ny 6 --tsize 0.08 --tspace 0.3


$ kalibr_create_target_pdf --h
    Example Aprilgrid:
        kalibr_create_target_pdf --type apriltag --nx 6 --ny 6 --tsize 0.08 --tspace 0.3
    Example Checkerboard:
        kalibr_create_target_pdf --type checkerboard --nx 6 --ny 6 -csx 0.05 --csy 0.1

Generate PDFs of calibration patterns.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

Output options:
  output               Output filename
  --eps                Also output an EPS file

Generic grid options:
  --type GRIDTYPE      The grid pattern type. ('apriltag' or 'checkerboard')
  --nx N_COLS          The number of tags in x direction (default: 6)
  --ny N_ROWS          The number of tags in y direction (default: 7)

Apriltag arguments:
  --tsize TSIZE        The size of one tag [m] (default: 0.08)
  --tspace TAGSPACING  The space between the tags in fraction of the edge size
                      [0..1] (default: 0.3)
  --tfam TAGFAMILIY    Familiy of April tags ['t16h5', 't25h9', 't25h7',
                      't36h11'] (default: t36h11)

Checkerboard arguments:
  --csx CHESSSZX       The size of one chessboard square in x direction [m]
                      (default: 0.05)
  --csy CHESSSZY       The size of one chessboard square in y direction [m]
                      (default: 0.05)
  • 标定imu内参 :kalibr默认情况下要求imu数据是经过内参标定的。内参标定工具使用 imu-tk .
  • imu 统计数据参数
    • noise density
    • bias random walk

我们使用 Allan分析工具 imu_utils 得到上面的imu统计数据特性,并以 如下 imu.yaml 格式化输出:

accelerometer_noise_density: 0.02680146180736048   #Noise density (continuous-time)
accelerometer_random_walk:   0.0026296086159332804   #Bias random walk

gyroscope_noise_density:     0.008882328296710996   #Noise density (continuous-time)
gyroscope_random_walk:       0.00037956578292701033   #Bias random walk

rostopic:                    /mynteye/imu/data_raw      #the IMU ROS topic
update_rate:                 200.0      #Hz (for discretization of the values above)


  • 收集标定图像:kalibr支持通过 rosbag 和采集离线图像两种方式收集所需要的标定图像,这里使用更加方便的 rosbag 的方式,采集图像的方式 参考链接 .
  • 通过 rosbag 采集图像的方法:固定小觅相机,在相机视野中移动 aprilgrid 标定板.
  • 为了避免采集数据的冗余,增加标定的时间, 应尽量使用更低帧率的图像采集数据,kalibr推荐使用 4Hz 图像帧率,这里使用 10hz .
  • 小觅相机s系列提供最低10hz的图像,可以使用 topic_tools 修改发布频率,因为使用10hz需要更多的标定时间.
  • 录制 static.bag : 固定好小觅相机后,启动 wrapper ,录制左右图像的topic到 static.bag .
$ source wrappers/ros/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch mynt_eye_ros_wrapper display.launch
$ cd ~
$ mkdir -p bag
$ cd bag
$ rosbag record -O static_10hz /mynteye/left/image_raw /mynteye/right/image_raw #建议使用10hz,你也可以使用topic_tools发布4hz.
  • kalibr标定:
$ kalibr_calibrate_cameras --target aprilgrid.yaml --bag ~/bag/static_10hz.bag --models pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan --topics /mynteye/left/image_raw /mynteye/right/image_raw


$ kalibr_calibrate_cameras --h

Calibrate the intrinsics and extrinsics of a camera system with non-shared
overlapping field of view.

  Example usage to calibrate a camera system with two cameras using an aprilgrid.

  cam0: omnidirection model with radial-tangential distortion
  cam1: pinhole model with equidistant distortion

  kalibr_calibrate_cameras --models omni-radtan pinhole-equi --target aprilgrid.yaml \
            --bag MYROSBAG.bag --topics /cam0/image_raw /cam1/image_raw

  example aprilgrid.yaml:
      target_type: 'aprilgrid'
      tagCols: 6
      tagRows: 6
      tagSize: 0.088  #m
      tagSpacing: 0.3 #percent of tagSize

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--models MODELS [MODELS ...]
                      The camera model ['pinhole-radtan', 'pinhole-equi',
                      'omni-radtan', 'pinhole-fov'] to estimate

Data source:
--bag BAGFILE         The bag file with the data
--topics TOPICS [TOPICS ...]
                      The list of image topics
--bag-from-to bag_from_to bag_from_to
                      Use the bag data starting from up to this time [s]

Calibration target configuration:
--target TARGETYAML   Calibration target configuration as yaml file

Image synchronization:
                      Time tolerance for approximate image synchronization
                      [s] (default: 0.02)

Calibrator settings:
--qr-tol QRTOL        The tolerance on the factors of the QR decomposition
                      (default: 0.02)
--mi-tol MITOL        The tolerance on the mutual information for adding an
                      image. Higher means fewer images will be added. Use -1
                      to force all images. (default: 0.2)
--no-shuffle          Do not shuffle the dataset processing order

Outlier filtering options:
                      Disable corner outlier filtering
--no-final-filtering  Disable filtering after all views have been processed.
--min-views-outlier MINVIEWOUTLIER
                      Number of raw views to initialize statistics (default:
--use-blakezisserman  Enable the Blake-Zisserman m-estimator
--plot-outliers       Plot the detect outliers during extraction (this could
                      be slow)

Output options:
--verbose             Enable (really) verbose output (disables plots)
--show-extraction     Show the calibration target extraction. (disables
--plot                Plot during calibration (this could be slow).
--dont-show-report    Do not show the report on screen after calibration.


  • camchain-homezhangsbagstatic_10hz.yaml
  • report-cam-homezhangsbagstatic_10hz.pdf
  • results-cam-homezhangsbagstatic_10hz.txt


如果您在vins中使用相机参数,选择pinhole-equi 模型 或者 omni-radtan模型效果会更好, 如果您在maplab中使用相机参数,请选择pinhole-equi模型


  • 收集标定数据:跟上面标定相机之间的位姿关系一样,kalibr支持两种收集数据的方法,这里仍然使用 rosbag 的方式.
    • 采集图像的方法: 固定 apilgrid 标定板,移动相机
    • 保证采集数据是良好的: 标定板亮度要适宜,太亮或太暗不能保证数据的质量, 同时也不要晃动太快,避免图像出现模糊.
    • 设置imu发布频率为200Hz, 图像的发布频率为20hz(kalibr推荐)
    • 充分激励imu的每个轴,例如可以在每个轴上3个动作,然后在“8字型”运动
  • 录制相机与imu的bag为 dynamic.bag
$ roslaunch mynt_eye_ros_wrapper display.launch
$ cd bag
$ rosbag record -O dynamic /mynteye/left/image_raw /mynteye/right/image_raw /mynteye/imu/data_raw #注意设置图像发布频率为20hz, imu发布频率为200hz
  • kalibr 标定:
$ kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --cam camchain-homezhangsbagstatic_10hz.yaml --target aprilgrid.yaml --imu imu.yaml --time-calibration --bag ~/bag/dynamic.bag


$ kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --h

Calibrate the spatial and temporal parameters of an IMU to a camera chain.

    Example usage to calibrate a camera system against an IMU using an aprilgrid
    with temporal calibration enabled.

    kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag MYROSBAG.bag --cam camchain.yaml --imu imu.yaml \
            --target aprilgrid.yaml --time-calibration

    camchain.yaml: is the camera-system calibration output of the multiple-camera
                  calibratin tool (kalibr_calibrate_cameras)

    example aprilgrid.yaml:       |  example imu.yaml: (ADIS16448)
        target_type: 'aprilgrid'  |      accelerometer_noise_density: 0.006
        tagCols: 6                |      accelerometer_random_walk: 0.0002
        tagRows: 6                |      gyroscope_noise_density: 0.0004
        tagSize: 0.088            |      gyroscope_random_walk: 4.0e-06
        tagSpacing: 0.3           |      update_rate: 200.0

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Dataset source:
  --bag BAGFILE         Ros bag file containing image and imu data (rostopics
                        specified in the yamls)
  --bag-from-to bag_from_to bag_from_to
                        Use the bag data starting from up to this time [s]
                        Perform a clock synchronization according to 'Clock
                        synchronization algorithms for network measurements'
                        by Zhang et al. (2002).

Camera system configuration:
  --cams CHAIN_YAML     Camera system configuration as yaml file
                        Recompute the camera chain extrinsics. This option is
                        exclusively recommended for debugging purposes in
                        order to identify problems with the camera chain
  --reprojection-sigma REPROJECTION_SIGMA
                        Standard deviation of the distribution of reprojected
                        corner points [px]. (default: 1.0)

IMU configuration:
  --imu IMU_YAMLS [IMU_YAMLS ...]
                        Yaml files holding the IMU noise parameters. The first
                        IMU will be the reference IMU.
                        Estimate the delay between multiple IMUs by
                        correlation. By default, no temporal calibration
                        between IMUs will be performed.
  --imu-models IMU_MODELS [IMU_MODELS ...]
                        The IMU models to estimate. Currently supported are
                        'calibrated', 'scale-misalignment' and 'scale-

Calibration target:
  --target TARGET_YAML  Calibration target configuration as yaml file

Optimization options:
  --time-calibration    Enable the temporal calibration
  --max-iter MAX_ITER   Max. iterations (default: 30)
  --recover-covariance  Recover the covariance of the design variables.
  --timeoffset-padding TIMEOFFSET_PADDING
                        Maximum range in which the timeoffset may change
                        during estimation [s] (default: 0.01)

Output options:
  --show-extraction     Show the calibration target extraction. (disables
                        Show each image during calibration target extraction
                        (disables plots)
  --verbose             Verbose output (disables plots)
  --dont-show-report    Do not show the report on screen after calibration.
  • camchain-imucam-homezhangsbagdynamic.yaml
  • imu-homezhangsbagdynamatic.yaml
  • report-imucam-homezhangsbagdynamic.pdf
  • results-imucam-homezhangsbagdynamic.yaml