How to use in VINS-Mono

If you wanna run VINS-Mono with MYNT EYE camera, please follow the steps:

  1. Download MYNT-EYE-S-SDK and install mynt_eye_ros_wrapper.
  2. Follow the normal procedure to install VINS-Mono.
  3. Update distortion_parameters and projection_parameters to here .
  4. Run mynt_eye_ros_wrapper and VINS-Mono.

Install ROS Kinetic conveniently (if already installed, please ignore)

cd ~
wget && \
chmod 755 ./ && bash ./ catkin_ws kinetic

Install MYNT-EYE-VINS-Sample

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone -b mynteye
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Get image calibration parameters

Use MYNT® EYE’s left eye camera and IMU. By MYNT-EYE-S-SDK API GetIntrinsics() function and GetExtrinsics() function, you can “get the image calibration parameters of the current working device:


After running the above type, pinhole’s distortion_parameters and projection_parameters is obtained , and then update to here .


You can get the camera model of device when get camera calibration parameters, if model is equidistant you need calibrate pinhole model by yourself or reference Write image parameters to write a default pinhole config file to your device.

Run VINS-Mono with MYNT® EYE

  1. Launch mynteye node
cd (local path of MYNT-EYE-S-SDK)
source ./wrappers/ros/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mynt_eye_ros_wrapper mynteye.launch
  1. Open another terminal and run vins
cd ~/catkin_ws
roslaunch vins_estimator mynteye_s.launch


If you want to use a fish-eye camera model, please click here .